ARTIST BOOK Collection
26°57, 3’N ,142°16,8’E
If one purpose of artists books is to expand the meaning of the verb ‘to read,’ this work by Veronika Schäpers, 26°57, 3’N ,142°16,8’E (The Squid Book), gives prima facie evidence. Although there is descriptive material available to explain it, let’s approach it as ‘readers’ without external aid. READ MORE
Access and Closure
Printed on heavy stock, folded into an accordion binding, glued into a cardboard cover, this small book ironically projects simplicity both in its bland aspect and its episodic text. READ MORE
Africans in America
To describe a book like Ben Blount’s Africans in America : a Short History is like over-explaining a great joke. Elucidating what makes it so compelling runs the risk of surgically removing that very charm. So, apologies in advance... READ MORE
Angelique and the Pearl Necklace
Can a book take you before the wind, through the fog, out beyond the safe bay? Can you imagine the timbers planed smooth, the bellied sails, the intricate webbings? Donald Glaister has captured the strength and grace of sailboats with the art of the book. READ MORE
Bad News
The artist gives a description of the process of creating the book and illustrations: Bad News is based on a short story by Lynne Tillman. This book is letterpress printed from hand-set Centaur and Futura Medium Condensed in an edition of 37 copies. READ MORE
Blood on Blood
Every family has its quirks, and this is the long lost photo album of one of the quirkiest families you'll ever meet. The book appears much like an old photo album, with black pages and black and white "photos"--which are actually linoleum cuts, printed in black ink on white Magnani Pescia paper by the artist. READ MORE
Book 91
Book 91 by Keith Smith is considered one of the seminal works in the artists' book movement. Smith created this book, also known as "The String Book", in 1982, in an edition of 50 copies. The images began as small clay sculptures that were photographed, made into negatives... READ MORE
Brooklyn Bridge a Love Song
Counting the artists, writers, and photographers who have paid homage to the Brooklyn Bridge would be difficult. Since its opening in 1883,
this regional—if not national—monument has been a backdrop in theater and film, and has inspired generations to create a plethora of creative
works in any number of media.
By A Thread
This week, Jews around the world celebrate the holiday of Purim which revolves around the biblical story of Esther. Within the traditional practices of the holiday itself, there is some play involving the format of the text.... READ MORE